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Waterproofing the roof and roof with liquid rubber do it - Blog about repair

Waterproofing the roof and roof with liquid rubber do it


Жидкой резиной в народе называют популярный материал, используемый для гидроизоляции крыши, на основе нефтяного битума. Профессионалы знают, насколько это универсальное средство, но неопытные мастера часто недооценивают наливную гидроизоляцию. Liquid rubber может использоваться для возведения плоской кровли, ремонта старых рубероидных покрытий своими руками и защиты крыши и фундамента от воздействия влаги. В этой статье мы подробно остановимся на ее составе, свойствах и методах использования.


Liquid rubber - a popular material for waterproofing the roof with their own hands, made from bitumen emulsion. It is a thick, viscous, fluid liquid that freezes on the surface of the roof at a temperature of +5 degrees. After curing, the liquid rubber forms a durable, monolithic layer that does not allow moisture to pass through. In addition to the bitumen emulsion, this material for waterproofing includes:

  • Polymer additives. They improve the properties of liquid rubber, making it more resistant to temperature extremes and mechanical damage.
  • Plasticizers. The task of plasticizers is to make the consistency of the bitumen emulsion more fluid and elastic, as well as to increase the adhesion of the composition.
  • Hardeners. Hardeners are responsible for hardening this tool for waterproofing the roof with their own hands after application.

Важно! Composition этого гидроизоляционного средства ничем не напоминает настоящую резину, ее так называют, потому что она даже после застывания сохраняет эластичность и тягучесть. На производстве этот гидроизоляционный материал разливается в металлические бочки по 200 литров или в более мелкую тару.

Liquid rubber


Liquid rubber – универсальное средство для гидроизоляции кровли, обладающие широкими возможностями применения. It is characterized by high water resistance, elasticity and ease of application by hand. The advantages of this material consider:

  1. Solidity. After the composition hardens, a monolithic waterproofing layer is formed on the surface of the roof, which does not let moisture through, and also has no joints or seams where leaks may occur.
  2. High adhesion. This waterproofing material is able to penetrate into small cracks and pores at the base of the roof made of wood, concrete or even metal without additional priming.
  3. Weather resistance The temperature range in which liquid rubber can “work” is from -75 to +95 degrees, which is quite enough for trouble-free operation throughout Russia.
  4. Ease of application. This waterproofing material can be used for vertical and horizontal surfaces. It is possible to apply structure by means of a brush, the roller or a spray.

Please note that the disadvantages of this waterproofing agent is considered to be a fairly high price and low resistance to ultraviolet radiation. To protect the roof, covered with liquid rubber, from direct sunlight, it is recommended to treat it with water-based or silicone-based paint.

Possibilities of use

As already mentioned, liquid rubber can be used in a wide range of construction operations. ABOUTtons of other waterproofing agents, it is fundamentally different consistency, which allows you to apply it on vertical and horizontal surfaces, as well as gloss over narrow gaps and joints. It can be used for the following purposes:

  • For waterproofing flat roof. Waterproofing material is evenly spread on the surface of the roof to obtain a uniform layer of the required thickness. That technology is called the bulk roof.
  • For priming the base of the roof before laying roll and piece roofing materials.
  • To protect the foundation and other structural elements of the house from moisture. Bitumen gives the composition bactericidal properties, so the liquid rubber keeps the materials well, protecting it from corrosion and rot.
  • To repair a soft roof with your own hands. With the help of liquid waterproofing, you can close up cracks, tears, holes, or glue the patch to the surface of the old ruberoid roof.

Experienced craftsmen believe that the high price of the material pays off excellent performance characteristics of liquid waterproofing. It has been experimentally proven that a two-millimeter layer of liquid rubber corresponds in efficiency to an eight-millimeter layer of rolled waterproofing materials.

Checking the elasticity of the composition Coating structure after application

Technology use

Since the price of liquid rubber is quite high, it is necessary to carefully prepare the roof surface for it to work effectively. The quality of the preparatory work depends on the service life and waterproofing quality of the material. The surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and then dried, ground with mastic and put a reinforcing layer of geotextile. After this preparation, you can apply liquid rubber with your own hands using one of the following methods:

  1. Brush application или валиком. Эти инструменты позволяют покрыть обрабатываемую поверхность плотным слоем состава. Расход при использовании валика ниже, чем при окрашивании кистью. Этими способами гидроизолируют горизонтальные поверхности. Roller application Brush application
  2. Application by pouring. If you need to provide a sufficiently thick layer of waterproofing, the easiest way is to simply pour liquid rubber on the roof surface, and then smooth it out using a special rule. Thus, a flat flat roof is made. Self-leveling roof
  3. Spray application. If you need to isolate vertical surfaces, it is more convenient to use a spray gun. A layer of waterproofing is obtained with this method of use thin, and consumption - economical. Spray spray

Please note that in order to effectively protect the surface from moisture, liquid rubber treatment with your own hands is performed not once, but immediately 2-3 times. Reapplication begins after setting the previous layer, which takes 5-9 hours.

Liquid rubber после нанесения

Video instruction