Connection of electric floor heating
In the pursuit of comfort, arranging the floor with warm electric heating is an excellent solution. If the installation of electric floor heating should not cause much difficulty, then here it is different with the connection. It is important to understand the principle of connecting the electric floor heating. In this article we will consider useful tips and recommendations that will help you to do all the work with your own hands.
Types of electric floors
Installation and the process of connecting the floor heating depends on the type of system. The following heating elements can be used as a heating base:
- Carbon rods.
- Heating film. It is of two types: bimetallic and carbon.
- Heat mats.
- Self-regulating cable.
- Heating two-core or single-core cable.
Each of these options has its own connection scheme. Some of them are indicated by the manufacturer. For example, when buying a film or mats on the package indicates the standard pattern of connection to electricity. Therefore, special difficulties in this case should not arise.
Note! To avoid any problems after connection, it is important to follow the basic rules and recommendations for the installation of electric heating elements. For example, the cable floor must be laid with the appropriate pitch.
There is one device that is mounted regardless of the type of heating element - it is a thermostat. Therefore, to begin with, we will consider how to properly connect it to a warm electric floor.
Thermostat connection
First you need to decide where the thermostat will be installed. This device allows you to adjust the temperature and maintain it at the desired level. Also through the thermostat is connected to the entire heating circuit to electricity. Therefore, if you choose a suitable model of the thermostat, then you can begin to install it.
Note! If the thermostat has a built-in air temperature sensor, then it is mounted at a height of 1.5 m from the floor. This place should be protected from direct hits of the rays of the sun and drafts. Otherwise, he will give the wrong commands.
Before connecting, you should decide how this process will be carried out: directly through the switchboard (stationary) or through a socket. Virtually every model of thermostat has a circuit drawn on the case. If you stick to it, the connection procedure is simplified. After installing the thermostat, the phase, ground and zero is applied to it. To make the wires invisible to the human eye, pierce the grooves in the wall. Put two plastic tubes in them. One will be the power cable from the warm floor, and the second wire for the temperature sensor, located under the floor near the heating circuit. Next, you can proceed directly to the connection of a heated floor. Consider the features of this process for cable, film floor and heating mats.
Connect the cable floor
For the installation of cable floor is important to make a flat tie. It is necessary to fasten a damper tape along the wall. On the floor fit insulation. To the box, you must stretch the power wire before laying the cable on the floor. As a result of such actions, the coupling should be on a concrete base.
Note! If the room is heated below the floor, the cable can be laid directly on the subfloor without thermal insulation.
Further, the connection and installation is carried out according to this scheme:
- On the subfloor, fasten the mounting tape to fix the cable. Available fasteners will allow you to evenly distribute the cable over the entire area of the room.
- After, you can proceed to the installation of the temperature sensor. It is placed in a corrugated tube, laid in the strobe.
- The sensor wire is connected to the thermostat. The sensor itself is located near the heating circuit.
Note! During the installation of the cable floor, the intersection of the cable line is not allowed.
After installation, it remains to simply check the system for malfunction. To do this, you can use the tester and check the resistance indicator on the passport. This completes the installation and connection of the cable floor. It remains to prepare the cement-sand mortar and pour a small screed. Heating elements can be turned on after the complete curing of the screed.
Note! If you do not have experience in working with electricity, the connection of the entire system to the wiring is better to entrust a professional electrician.
Heat mats. Connection Rules
If heat mats are chosen as a heating element, the connection principle is almost completely consistent with the installation of a cable floor. We consider only the differences of connection. On a thermal mat, the cable has a specific cable spacing, as it is fixed on a special heat-resistant film. Therefore, you only need to decide on what area you want to heat and how much power an electrical mat should have.
Note! To install the sensor will need to make the strobe in the floor. This is due to the fact that the total thickness of the whole structure will reach up to 15 mm.
There are cases when the available cable in the kit is not enough for its connection to the thermostat. How to be in this case? It is possible to cut a part of the wire from the mat, and to install the coupling sleeve in the coupler. The heating mat on the principle of operation is very similar to cable heating. With regard to the installation process, the heat mats are much easier and faster to lay. If the room has a ceiling height restriction, then this design will be an excellent solution, because the system allows not to flood the screed and not to lay insulation.
Installation of film floor
The heating film is in the greatest demand. Having understood the features of its structure, you will be able to connect the film floor with your own hands. The heating elements of the system are bimetallic and carbonic. On the edge of the film are copper conductors, through which the connection to the network. When mounting the film floor, you need to apply foil film that will reflect infrared radiation, directing it to a heated room, otherwise the system connection does not differ from the installation of thermal mats.
As for the installation of the temperature sensor, it can be installed similarly in a plastic pipe and sent to the screed or left on the surface of the film.
Note! Unlike thermal mats, the film can be completely cut, but only along the specified lines, located at intervals of up to 30 cm.
Isolation of the conductive strip is performed only on one side, the other remains open. This is due to the fact that in these places the power cable will be connected. Installation of the sheets themselves is carried out in parallel. Between the sheets are connected by a special wire. The entire system also works through a thermostat mounted on the wall.
That's all the main features of connecting an electric floor heating. Now you know how to connect a heated electric floor. If you are afraid to work with electricity, it is better to call qualified specialists. If you have done all these works with your own hands, then your experience will be interesting to us. Share it by leaving comments at the end of the article.
From the provided video you can learn about the process of installation of heat mats and their connection: