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Making the arch of drywall-detailed instructions - Blog about repair

Making the arch of drywall-detailed instructions


Almost any interior can be transformed, make it more interesting, using plaster arches in it. At first glance it may seem that making an arch out of plasterboard is a lot of craftsmen.

But it is not so. The manufacturing techniques of arches from gypsum cardboard are rather simple, it is necessary to observe only the sequence of works and to apply a little diligence.

Types of arches

Формы арок из гипсокартона бывают самыми разнообразными, как и стили. Они могут быть классические, радиусные, двойные, в стиле модерн, эллипсоидные, двойные и т. д (см. Дизайн арок – современный взгляд на классику). Types of arches из гипсокартона исчерпываются лишь фантазией владельца помещения.

drywall arch video

Наиболее популярны сейчас модерновые gypsum arches. Их часто используют для зонирования помещений. К примеру, для выделения рабочей зоны для готовки на кухне или выделения игровой зоны в детской.

drywall door arch

Arch making

How to make the arch of plasterboard: instructions for use (see Arch do-it-yourself).


  • To arch was smooth and she had a mirror proportional arc, you need to take care of good illumination of the room.
  • Use gloves and safety glasses.
  • Use a screwdriver to tighten the screws. Along the length of the screws should be 2–2.5 times thicker than drywall.
  • The walls, which are hidden by panels, need to be treated with waterproofing and antifungal primers.
  • The drywall arches in the hallway or where the air humidity often increases, need to be made of waterproof plasterboard.



  • First we need a tape measure to measure the width of the doorway and determine the height of the arc. drywall arch technology
  • By the obtained dimensions we make and fix the arch frame. To do this, mark the height of the arc on the metal profile. Then we mark the width of the opening, and then again the height of the arc. At this mark, the profile is cut off.
  • В двух прежних отметках overcutаем полки, сгибаем под прямым углом профиль. Such elements of decorative arches of drywall should have two. Fasten them to the wall at both ends of the doorway using dowels and screws. The frame may be wooden, but for concrete and brick walls is better suited from metal.
  • We draw on gypsum plasterboard the outline of the arch of the future arch, cut it with a jigsaw. Then we apply the cut piece to the new sheet, mark the contour and cut it again. gypsum arches

    Tip! For the most accurate cutting, use a jigsaw blade designed for him.

  • The finished part is applied to the frame and fasten with screws. beautiful drywall arches

    Tip! The photo shows how the process looks. Gypsum arch fasten at least every 15 cm.

  • With the second part we repeat the same procedure. Screw-in screws, we follow - their heads should not protrude above the surface, but be at the level or below the panel.
  • Close up the surface of the arch. We measure with a tape measure its length and cut off a strip from a profile of exactly the same size, and further, we cut off shelves with metal scissors, as shown in the photo. The maximum length of the segments can be up to 12 cm. Profile bend in an arc.

I shake the arch

  • We begin to mount it on one of the elements from the inside. Fastening is done with screws from the side of drywall. The connecting screw passes through the thickness of the slab and both profile shelves.

This Pay attention! If you did not pierce the two shelves - repeat the connection. This stage is extremely important and may affect the efficiency of the entire work.

  • We make sure that the profile was strictly in addition to the notch, and the connection was strong. The metal frame and the drywall should be closely fastened together. Fastened no less than every 15 cm.
drywall arch in the hallway
  • Такую же полосу профиля I'm krepim к другому элементу арки.
  • После того как установлены gypsum arches, вырезаем, устанавливаем и фиксируем ее нижний элемент. Чтобы это сделать меряем длину дуги и расстояние между двумя элементами. Расстояние откладываем на панели и cut off unnecessary под линейку ножом. arches of drywall in the apartment
  • We need drywall to be used for bending, so we cut it along the entire length of the tape every 7-10 cm. We make notches only on the paper layer of the board, which will be upwards.

Note! Cut lines do perpendicular to the long part of the tape.

curved drywall arches
  • We attach the tape to the vault and give it a bent shape, the same as that of already installed elements. We start the work from the center and gradually, pressing the sides, we descend to the bottom. drywall arch on the wall
  • Then, combining the strip with the edges of the installed elements, fix it with screws. Mounts start from the middle and no more than every 15 cm.

Tip! If the arch of the arch turns out too high and you need to increase the curvature of the strip - we wet it.

bproduction of drywall arches video
  • Последний шаг: fasten the lower sections конструкции. Forms of drywall arches

Making of drywall arches - video:

Finishing work

После завершения монтажа арки из гипсокартона в квартире, убедившись, что все сделано правильно — конструкция не выпирает за контуры проема двери, элементы жестко укреплены — начинаем Finishing work (см. Чем можно обделать арку).

Finishing work

We make the finish at the ends of the curved middle part of the arch: the drywall arch on the wall must have a masked joint so that the transition between the wall and the sheet is smooth. As a material, use a mixture - ready, or do it yourself.

The consistency of the sweep should not be fluid, but be thick, but plastic, so that it holds its shape well. We make works with a scraper.

use mixture

Кладем достаточно смеси (3–5 см) на один край инструмента, линейными движениями от стены к арке putty putty, с тем, чтобы замаскировать стык. Стараемся растягивать шпаклевку одним движением, как можно дальше.

putty putty

The transition is needed smooth and smooth, merging with the wall of the doorway and the arch of the arch. It is unlikely that it will be good to plaster one time, so we repeat the operation three times until the surface is what we need. Layers are applied thin, remove excess with a spatula.

Tip: Before starting the application of the finishing layer on gypsum arches, very thorough cleaning of the surface from dust contamination will be required. For work it is better to use a spatula of ten centimeters width. The third layer should be made very thin.

remove surplus

Spatula width of 5 cm with a mixture of smear all the places where there is a screw cap.

gloss over the mixture

After the door arch of plasterboard will look like curving surfaces, proceed to finish the arch on top. First, we close up large irregularities at the joints with a wide spatula.

close up bumps

We use a plaster grid for more fine alignment. Attach it so that the joint between the wall and the drywall was in the center of the segment.

Apply a thin layer of the mixture on top of the plastering grid. The grid should not wrinkle, wrinkle, it should lie flat.

It is necessary to look behind the surface, finished with a putty, so that it does not bulge, it is on the same level as the arch and the wall. Excess material is carefully removed with a special plasterboard knife.

It is necessary to level the moment when the mixture is still wet, since in the wake of drying it will not be possible to smooth out irregularities.

Drywall Arch - video:

Next, we mask the corner joint on the curved surface of the arch. We need the result to be perfect, so we will resort to using special plastic or paper reinforcing tape.

We put the tape in such a way that its middle longitudinal part runs exactly along the corner of the arch: one half of it will bend to the top, and the second - to the bottom. In the place where the tape is to be applied, we coat the gypsum arches with a thin layer of the mixture, then paste the tape in it and carefully align it.

We cut the tape not at once to the entire required length, but in small pieces - forty centimeters. It is necessary to look that the tape did not lay down fold, and was straightened.

Tip: To prevent dust from entering the respiratory tract, all grinding work must be carried out wearing a special mask or respirator. Hand skin should be protected by wearing cotton or rubber gloves. You should also not forget that the manufacture of the arch completely, and not just polishing, is best done with the doors and windows closed to avoid drafts.

После наклейки одной половины ленты, следующую загибаем к верху и наклеиваем так же. Для ее равномерной раскладки по поверхности и чтобы она не морщилась, каждые 7–10 сантиметров по ее длине make cuts ножницами или острым ножом.

make cuts
  • After sticking the tape, let it dry and grab. Most often, after this stage, a lot of plaster pieces, irregularities, etc. remain. We smooth it all with emery coarse-grained paper.
  • After drying, apply another layer of putty, leveling the surface completely and hiding the grid in the corners. we put one more layer
  • We wait until the surface dries out, and then we carry out its polishing with emery fine-grained paper.
  • Наносим третий слой шпаклевки, который станет завершающим. В этот раз нам понадобится finishing putty ABS. Она придает поверхности эффектную белизну и хорошую гладкую фактуру.
finishing putty

Совет: После 10–12 часов вслед за тем, как нанесен последний слой, а высыхание поверхности окончено и она стала белоснежной, нужно еще один раз отшлифовать фигурные арки из гипсокартона наждачной мелкозернистой бумагой. После этого Finishing work можно считать завершенными.

Now you know how the production of an arch from plasterboard occurs and you can do it yourself.