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Interior compartment doors: modifications and assembly - Blog about repair

Interior compartment doors: modifications and assembly


Installation of interior doors coupe is the best option for arranging a small room. A characteristic feature that favorably distinguishes them from analogs is a special mechanism.

Thanks to him, the doors do not swing open into the room, but move apart along the walls along special guides. This design allows you to use the precious space with greater benefit.

Today we will tell how to assemble interior doors coupe with their own hands. You will have the opportunity to watch the video in this article and photos that can do everything correctly.

Choosing the look and design of the door coupe

Buying interior doors is a matter of responsibility; there is a huge selection of sliding structures on the market that can fit in any interior.

The form and method of mounting guides them are divided into the following types:

  • Straight and semicircular, which are used for both cabinets and rooms. They can be quite original decorated.
  • Interior compartment doors mounted at the top of the opening, on the ceiling, floor or wall. Such a variety of fasteners allows them to be used for almost any room.

You can buy any of these options. Installation without problems is done by hand, and the price will depend on the materials of decoration and the complexity of the mobile mechanisms.

Attention: The use of compartment doors with lower guides is fraught with a violation of the aesthetics of the room and the occurrence of some inconveniences associated with the accumulation of dust and dirt in the slats. Because of this, some time after the start of operation, the structure acquires an untidy appearance, to which the difficult movement of the rollers is added.

The use of compartment doors for arranging small apartments or studios for which separation of zones is necessary is difficult because of the violation of the integrity of the interior. In order to conceal this deficiency, it is recommended to install the guide system on the same level with the floor.

To do this, you must first prepare in it the recess into which the lower rails will be inserted.

An example of zoning under the hall and bedroom

To give the structure strength and stability it is recommended to install along with the lower guides a number of upper rails. This requirement is mandatory if the owner decided to use not light sheets of chipboard, but heavy doors made of wood and glass (see Installing glass doors in residential and public buildings). The main load in this design is the bottom row.

For the installation of such heavy models, more robust and durable rollers are provided. Often for the arrangement of space using the compartment door with rollers only on the top panel.

Depending on the place of attachment, these partitions are divided into 2 categories:

  • Hingedwhich are mounted along the ceiling or wall;
  • Suspended modelswhose panels are attached to the top of the doorway.
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The first type of partitions is similar to curtains. The system of movement of hinged compartment doors is covered in decorative panels. Their flaw is a loose fit of the doors to the wall, which excludes sound insulation of the room.

Such a system for fixing partitions also prevents the placement of furniture doors along the movement area, which reduces the possibilities of furnishing the interior.

More practical have pendant door models of the compartment. Their use allows not only to divide the space into zones, but also to make a certain contribution to the decor of the room. Suspended structures more closely to the wall, and therefore have greater sound insulation.

A special kind of coupe doors are sliding models. A distinctive feature of such structures is that they do not move along the walls, but move in them.

This is due to the installation of a special cassette inside the wall. Sliding models compare favorably with their counterparts due to the possibility of the best organization of space. Their disadvantage is the high complexity and cost of the installation process.

Interior compartment doors video will also help to choose the desired version of the design. Pay special attention to the mounting base and the wall, because the choice of the mechanism itself will depend on it.

Required materials for self-fabrication of construction

For the self-design of the compartment doors you will need to purchase a minimum amount of materials. When creating a simple model at home, no more than 3-4 components are used.

We select the laminated material

Laminated chipboard, used as a door.

Attention: When choosing a canvas it is important to pay attention not only to the quality of the material itself, but also to its thickness. When self-design doors coupe experts recommend the use of chipboard thickness of at least 16 mm.

  • This is due to the need to maintain a presentable appearance of the structure during its continuous operation. The use of thin sheets requires the installation of a fastening system similar to that used to model a glass door.
  • For this reason, experts recommend staying on standard sheets of chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm, which can be framed with aluminum profiles to protect against deformation when constantly pushed against an opening or another door.
Roller guide system Making a choice of roller guides Their use allows you to design compartment doors, which silently and easily glide along the walls. There are a huge number of roller systems on the market, designed for structures of all sizes and shapes.

The use of this kind of guides differs from similar systems by the principle of operation - the doors are fixed on a solid rail, and do not hang on it like standard models. The entire load in this case falls on the lower profile.

We select accessories Accessories for compartment doors In the design of the compartment doors, mortise handles and, if necessary, a lock are used (see. Interior lock in the interior door - professional advice). In this case, accessories of non-standard forms are used. So, the handles have the appearance of recessed into the surface of the door holders. Locks are not equipped with standard valves, but with hooks.
Self tapping screws We prepare hardware By means of which systems of guides are attached to the surface of the floor, walls or ceiling.

For installation of compartment doors, in addition to the standard set of building materials and elements, tools are required, among which are: electric jigsaw or circular saw, screwdriver, router, proper level of construction and a set of screwdrivers, pliers, screwdrivers and a hammer.

The order and features of the work

Now we will consider how to install a compartment door, below is a guide on this issue. The strict requirement for the installation of compartment doors is their installation on a perfectly flat surface.

Regardless of the place of fastening of the structure, whether it is an aperture or a cabinet, the first thing to do is to check the floor or the bottom of the furniture with the help of a building level for violation of the common line.

Coupe door assembly scheme


  • The presence of small deviations, which do not interfere with the installation of the door compartment. Normal is a violation of the horizontal surface to 5 mm. It is not possible to establish a construction with deviations of a larger value. Therefore, it is important to avoid the presence of depressions and bumps on the floor. If necessary, you need to eliminate such shortcomings.
  • Experts recommend to carry out all construction work on finishing the door slopes before the direct installation of the coupe. It is necessary to sheathe the doorway in advance with a tree or plasterboard, putty it, put paint or paste wallpaper. Following this recommendation eliminates the risk of damage to already installed doors with these finishing materials.

The process of designing and installing coupe doors is a sequential process that should be considered point by point.

Assembly of guide system

It is the most important stage of work, which includes several nuances.

Putting guides


  • Before installing the frame for the compartment doors, it is necessary to pre-mark, which will be attached to the slats. It is important to keep an exact parallel between the floor and ceiling slats. To this end, using a building level, clear lines are drawn along the entire perimeter of the opening.
  • After that, following the markup, guides are attached. To achieve greater aesthetics and structural strength, it is necessary to use guides of the same length.

Caution: It is important to accurately cut millimeters to the top and bottom bars. It should not be forgotten about the reliability of the frame, carefully fastening it with screws.

Door assembly

After installing the system of guides proceed to the manufacture of doors for the design. At this stage of work, certain difficulties may arise related to the small size of a standard apartment. But you can organize the manufacture of doors and in a small room.

We assemble the doors
  • Before starting work, you need to determine the size of the future product. So, having an opening with a width of 1800 mm, it is necessary to make 2 doors with a width of 900 mm. To these values, you must also add 50 mm to overlay one panel onto another.
  • Having decided on the dimensions of the door, proceed to trim sheets of chipboard. Before that, with the help of a pencil and a long ruler on the panels, draw lines depicting products of the desired size. After applying the contours using a saw or jigsaw on the lines cut out the door.
  • Despite the accuracy of the master, often chipping occurs at the edges of the plates. This flaw needs to be hidden with aluminum profiles.
  • Edging doors is the next stage of work. Its features depend on the type of fastening aluminum profiles. So, some are connected to the door with screws, others are glued to the groove cut in the chipboard panel. Having a little experience with the router, it is recommended to stay at the first option. To hide the screws used in the tone of the chipboard tone.
  • Do not do without the use of the router in the next stage of work - installation of rollers. It is necessary to attach the roller to the lower area of ​​the panel at a distance of 100 mm from the edge and outline its contours. After that, the outlines of the room where the roller is placed into it, which is firmly fastened with a self-tapping screw, are cut out. In a similar way, the fittings hit the coupe doors. A handle is applied to the selected area on the door, the outlines are outlined with a pencil, through which a through hole is cut. In the passages set the holders half and fasten them with a screw.

Door installation

This stage is not difficult and is to install the panels on the system of guides.

Do the installation


  • Mounted doors alternately bring up the structure, then, lifting, put them on the bottom rail. The installation of the panels can be facilitated by using special clips with latches, with the help of which, if necessary, they can be lowered before installing the doors in the structure or raised to grip the panels with the bottom bar.
  • After installing the doors on the guide system, the movement system must be adjusted. The adjustment is carried out by rotating the mechanism along the offset center.
  • The process of designing and installing coupe doors is not difficult. But for a person who does not have the skill of working with building materials and tools, it may seem impracticable. In the presence of such doubts, it is recommended not to even begin independent work on the manufacture of doors, but to entrust this to professionals.

Interior doors coupe will serve you faithfully for many years, the main thing is to choose the right installation mechanism in your version. Therefore, analyze everything before making a choice.