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The correct ratio in the concrete components - the key to - Blog about repair

The correct ratio in the concrete components - the key to


One of the most sought-after construction jobs is concrete. Does not burn, does not collapse by mold and fungi, has a long service life, with the passage of time it becomes only stronger. This article will be devoted to the correct proportions of ingredients in its manufacture.

In the photo - the proportions of the main brands for construction.

General information

Its main components are natural substances:

  • cement - In a special way, calcined and finely ground lime;
  • sandpreferably river, sea. Its price is quite affordable;
  • rubble various fractions;
  • pure water.

If you think a little there are construction sites where concrete is not used. And most likely it can occur only in one case - where it is impossible to cook it.

Ingredient proportions

Во время строительных работ чаще всего можно наблюдать cementно-песчаную смесь, где используется соотношение cementа и песка для бетона. От порций последнего компонента зависит и марка готового материала.

For construction work - preferably M400-500

Consider more clearly:

M50 Инструкция рекомендует смешивать cement М200 с песком в соотношении 1:3. Если используется М400, пропорция будет 1:4.
M100 In this case, this proportion:
  • at M200 - 1: 2;
  • at M400 - 1: 3.
M75 Пропорция cementа и песка:
  • at M200 - 1: 2.5;
  • at M400 - 1: 3.5.

Tip: in such solutions, you can add more crushed stone.

Below are solutions where crushed stone is not used:

M10 М200 и sand в соотношении 1:6.
M25 for M200 - 1: 4.

at M400 - 1: 6.

Лучшим считается речной или морской sand

The main filler is crushed stone, sometimes gravel, the volume of which is 1 m3 finished composition can reach up to 80%. Cement-sand mortar allows you to fill the voids between its particles, eliminating their movement.

Builders strive to ensure that the finished composition contains as much rubble as possible, so that the filling solution will experience as little stress as possible. Its pebbles allow you to distribute it evenly throughout the volume.


Так называют песчано-гравийную смесь, где основные компоненты - sand и гравий. Обычно ее добываю с речного или морского дна.

CBC for construction work

Tip: the quality of the mixture and its binding characteristics mostly depend on the place of its production.

PGS is the main component of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, including:

  • house foundations;
  • road surfaces.

It is divided into several types, based on:

  • sand and gravel proportions;
  • gravel fractions;
  • strength;
  • the presence of particles of clay and silt;
  • frost resistance.

There is also an OGS where the first letter means “enriched”. In this case, it artificially increases the amount of gravel.

OPGS - enriched mixture with artificial addition of gravel

For example:

  • in the enriched mixture, its percentage is about 25-75%;
  • in the usual - about 10-20%.

The main ingredients of such mixtures are:

  • cement;
  • water;
  • PGS or OPGS.

Совет: чтобы получить качественный материал требуется соблюдать правильное соотношение cementа и ПГС в бетоне.

When using OGS it is necessary:

  • cement – 1 часть;
  • mixes - 4 parts;
  • water - 0.5 parts.

При этом соотношение бетона cementа песка гравия учитывает не объем материалов, а их вес. Иногда советуют в данный раствор еще добавлять sand, однако, данный вопрос спорный. Обязательно следует учитывать его процент в самой ОПГС.

In the manufacture of PGS also need to consider:

  • final grade of concrete;
  • используемую марку cementа;
  • proportion of sand and gravel in the mix.

Although the last parameter is usually indicated with the purchase, but if it is not there, you can determine the ratio yourself. For example, sifting through your hands a certain volume through a metal grid.

Quality composition requires the right proportions.

Обычно в такую смесь sand не добавляют, так как его достаточно и так. Наоборот, в некоторые виды ПГС добавляют rubble.

The most optimal and adjusted ratio of concrete for the foundation will be the following:

  • cement – 1 часть;
  • PGS - 8 parts.

What is taken as a basis - volume or weight

Obtaining high-quality concrete is impossible without strict compliance:

  • technology of its preparation;
  • compositional recommendations;
  • the ratios of the components used.

Other factors are also taken into account, including fractions of rubble and sand, their moisture and density.

Пропорции в большинстве случаев берутся или по весу, или по объему. При этом основой служит масса (объем) cementа, которая (-ый) принимается за единицу, другие материалы соотносят уже с таким «эталоном».

Количество воды также выражается в частях от его веса, поэтому, когда в смеси используют 10 кг основного вещества, а вам требуется, к примеру, 5 л воды, водоcementное соотношение бетонной смеси вычисляется так:

V / C = 5: 10 = 0.5.

The strength of concrete will increase as a result of the interaction of these two components, but this occurs best of all under warm and humid conditions. Remember, if it starts to dry or freeze before a certain period, the interaction may completely stop, which will worsen the final properties of the material.

The amount of water is an important component.

Favorable conditions in the initial period of the laying field for a period of 15-28 days can be created independently:

  • water in the heat;
  • cover with plastic wrap;
  • apply bitumen emulsion.

In this case, the material acquires up to 80% of the required strength after 7–14 days.


При изготовлении качественного бетона пропорция между его ингредиентами играет решающую роль. В зависимости от необходимой прочности можно ими варьировать, экономя на итоговой мете работ (см.также статью «Соотношение марки и класса бетона + основное назначение составов»).

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.