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Sawdust concrete blocks: a detailed technical description - Blog about repair

Sawdust concrete blocks: a detailed technical description


Building a private house is an incredibly expensive business. One of the ways to make it more economical is to use sawdust concrete blocks as a building material for walls. About their unique features and will be discussed in this article.

Ready-to-use sawdust blocks

General provisions

Opilkobeton was invented back in the sixties of the last century in the Soviet Union, as a new type of lightweight low-density concrete. Passed all the necessary tests and was standardized. And already in the nineties, due to the urgent need of the population in saving, it became widely popular.


  • Environmental friendliness. In the manufacture of used only natural ingredients, a list of which we consider in more detail below.
  • Fire resistance. Fire safety in some cases can play the most important role.
  • Lack of hydrophobicity. There is no tendency to the processes of spreading rot or corrosion.
  • High strength concrete products. You can be quite confident in the reliability of the future construction. As well as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond circles, the processing of sawdust concrete requires the use of diamond tools.
Diamond drilling holes in concrete, created on the basis of sawdust
  • Vapor permeability. Contributes to the creation of an ideal indoor microclimate.
  • Low thermal conductivity. It is achieved due to the presence of sawdust in the structure.
  • Frost resistance. It tolerates the low temperatures of our harsh winters without adverse effects.
Photo of a two-story house of opilkobetona in winter
  • Relatively light weight. For example, a building with an area of ​​250 square meters will weigh only 50 tons, which will significantly save on the laying of a light foundation.
  • Excellent sound insulation. Protection from external extraneous sounds always favorably reflects on subsequent comfort.
  • Simple instruction manual.
Installation of opilkobeton blocks
  • Affordable price. The key factor that spurred the popularization of this type of building material.

Areas of use

Opilkobeton can replace any building material in almost any project, but let's systematize its use a little:

  • Country houses, cottages, outbuildings, baths.
Two-story residential building of opilkobetonnyh blocks
  • Thermal insulation of basements, public buildings and industrial buildings.
Increased wall insulation
  • Reconstruction of old buildings. In this case, the most attractive is the fact that no foundation reinforcement is required.


Production opilkobetonnyh blocks is quite feasible at home, which allows to achieve even greater savings.

It can be divided into several stages:

  1. The acquisition of all necessary components. So for the brand M15, which is great for the construction of external walls will need:
    • 200 kg of sawdust - the main component, which even defines half the name of the material.
    An example of suitable sawdust
    • 150 kg of cement grade not lower than M400 - a binding component.
    Cement four-brand
    • 350 kg of sand - will reduce the porosity of opilkobeton.
    Career sand for making concrete products
    • 100 kg of clay - will increase the moisture resistance of the finished material.

    Tip: if you intend to use the blocks for basement insulation, it is recommended to make opalkobeton brand M5. The ratio of sawdust in it is much greater and this significantly improves the insulating quality of the finished products.

    1. Sift sawdust through a sieve with cells of one centimeter.
    2. Knead sifted components with sand and cement.

    Tip: Concrete mixer should be used for kneading. It will facilitate the workflow and will achieve the greatest uniformity.

    The best equipment for the production of sawdust blocks
    1. We add water in small portions, without ceasing to mix the substance.
    2. Check the readiness of the solution, squeezing it in your hand. If there are fingerprints on the lump without liquid drops, then it’s time to form the blocks.
    Here is what opilkobetonnaya substance that passed to the desired condition

    Tip: try to complete the whole process as quickly as possible, as the mixture will begin to harden within a half hour.

    1. The size of the products is usually twice the size of ceramic bricks, although you can choose a more convenient shape for your case. Try to carefully tamp the workpiece to exclude the presence of air pockets in it.

    Tip: it is recommended to make a few holes in the block during the manufacturing process of its shape. This will accelerate its hardening period and reduce thermal conductivity.

    Products with additional round holes


    Opilkobeton cheap, warm and reliable building material. Its use allows to save considerably at construction of the private house.

    It is particularly noteworthy that it is easy to make at home. You will need only a concrete mixer, patience and a number of easily accessible ingredients.

    Sawdust concrete blocks with their own hands - cheap and angry

    The video in this article will provide you with an additional amount of information that is directly related to the materials presented. Use building materials to save your family budget.