Glue for aerated concrete blocks: types and features
Aerated concrete blocks are glued together with a special composition of mounting glue, in which good insulating and adhesive qualities appear. Its components are sand, cement, mineral fillers and polymer additives. Each of them gives it certain characteristics, for example, strength and plastic.
![Aerated concrete block and glue - laying stage Aerated concrete block and glue - laying stage](../uploads/img/gazobetonnyy-blok-i-kley-stadiya-ukladki-600x450.jpg)
General characteristics
Used adhesive has several advantages compared to competitors.
We can distinguish the following:
- plastic;
- high moisture resistance;
- temperature independence;
- high adhesion;
- quick setting.
The main components of the adhesive are high-quality Portland cement and fractional sand. These two elements allow you to reduce the thickness of the seam between the blocks to 2 mm, without reducing the efficiency of adhesion.
At the same time, this does not affect the adhesion values. In addition, during the curing of the adhesive does not shrink, resulting in the likelihood of "cold bridges" is reduced to zero.
Advice: the aerated concrete block lends itself well to processing with ordinary tools, therefore such a service as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond circles will be superfluous for it.
It is also important that the glue is easily prepared and applied to the surface. The entire preparatory process consists of mixing the dry composition with a liquid.
Tip: you can find out the proportions on the glue package.
![In the photo - preparation of the drill with a whisk In the photo - preparation of the drill with a whisk](../uploads/img/na-foto---podgotovka-sostava-drelyu-s-venchikom.jpg)
For thorough mixing of the adhesive with a liquid, a drill with nozzles is best suited, which makes it possible to extend the useful life of the finished mixture to several hours.
Tip: cook portions not too large, this will save glue.
Basic information on the composition of the product:
- moisture resistance level - 95%;
- the diameter of the granules of the filler is 0.67 mm;
- the time required for setting the composition - 15 minutes;
- temperature range at which work with glue is allowed - from +5 0 C to +25 0 WITH;
- the time during which the blocks can still be adjusted - 2 minutes;
- the time required for complete drying of the solution is 2 hours.
Composition and methods of use
The main binding element of the adhesive composition is high-quality Portland cement. It also includes fine fraction artificial sand. The price of the product usually depends on the volume of purchase and meta loading.
![The technology of laying concrete blocks on the glue– applying the solution to the surface The technology of laying concrete blocks on the glue– applying the solution to the surface](../uploads/img/tehnologiya-kladki-gazobetonnyh-blokov-na-kley-nanesenie-rastvora-na-poverhnost-600x439.jpg)
To give the composition properties to retain moisture, and not to be destroyed under the action of high temperatures, it also contains additives-modifiers. Improve adhesion and fill any roughness on the blocks polymer additives. In addition, due to the use of special impurities, the composition also has low heat-conducting properties.
Instructions for use:
- Glue is applied on the previously cleaned and wetted surface with a carriage or a notched trowel.
- After that, it is necessary to attach a block of aerated concrete to the surface and press it with your own hands.
- If additional alignment is required, you must use a rubber mallet.
Tip: when working at high temperatures, it is necessary to protect the fresh masonry. To do this, use plastic wrap or tarpaulin, which should be covered.
![The solution allows you to create a perfectly flat wall The solution allows you to create a perfectly flat wall](../uploads/img/rastvor-pozvolyaet-sozdat-idealno-rovnuyu-stenu-600x385.jpg)
The glue consumption for aerated concrete blocks is the following - one package with its layer of 3 mm is enough for laying 1 m3 material. If you purchase just such a quantity for work, you will definitely have to buy it in the store. Practice shows that, in fact, the consumption of glue on aerated concrete blocks is one and a half times larger.
What glue to buy during the winter works
Especially for work carried out in the cold season, produced "winter glue". In addition to the usual additives, it contains substances that prevent the product from freezing. However, even this adhesive is not recommended for use at temperatures below -10.0 WITH.
![Winter composition for aerated concrete Winter composition for aerated concrete](../uploads/img/zimniy-sostav-dlya-gazobetona-367x600.jpg)
It is also recommended to use a tarp to protect the masonry while working at low temperatures. In addition, it is important to remember that the finished mixture should have a temperature within 00 C. Otherwise, freezing of water in the adhesive can significantly reduce its performance.
Such glue for blocks of aerated concrete has a variety of parameters:
- it is gray;
- at its use heat losses are minimized;
- it is frost resistant (up to -100 С), влагостойкостью, экологичностью и plasticю;
- it is not affected by natural phenomena;
- decreases the likelihood of "cold bridges";
- can be used both outside and indoors;
- It contains antifreeze additives.
Recommendations for use:
- the manufacture of adhesive composition should be carried out for half an hour before the start of work;
- if it is raining or snowing outside, it is necessary to discard the masonry;
- it is impossible to mix solution directly on the street, it is important that water temperature was about +600 C, and the mixture itself is about +100 WITH.
- dry mix should be kept in a warm place.
Tip: the purchase of adhesive mixtures from well-known manufacturers gives the confidence that all their qualities will manifest as much as possible.
A significant advantage of such solutions is their versatility. They can be used during the laying of bricks, foam blocks, tiles, and even during the process of putty.
![Gluing thermal insulation sheets to the facade Gluing thermal insulation sheets to the facade](../uploads/img/nakleivanie-teploizolyatsionnyh-listov-na-fasad-600x348.png)
In addition, this substance is effective in use. For example, the cement-sand mixture should be at least 15 mm thick, but it is enough to apply it with a layer of 2-3 mm to maximize its characteristics.
Tip: cellular concrete is easily drilled with a conventional drill, so diamond drilling of holes in concrete is not applied to it.
Professional recommendations
- Do not prepare the glue more than you need to work, otherwise its properties may be lost in a few hours.
- It takes about 3 minutes to dry a thin layer.
- Exposure of the adhesive should be carried out for at least 15 minutes.
- Water during mixing should be well heated (up to 600 WITH).
Tip: Wear gloves and long sleeves while working.
Unlike brick, expanded clay or cinder block, blocks of cellular concrete can be laid on special glue. Due to this, such works are considered “clean”, which is especially welcomed indoors. The main components of this product are high-quality Portland cement and fractional sand. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.