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Asphalt weight. density. material consumption - Blog about repair

Asphalt weight. density. material consumption


BUTсфальтобетон широко распространен во всем мире как материал для устройства дорог и благоустройства территорий. Он представляет собой смесь дорожного битума и природных минералов. Далее мы рассмотрим его состав, и узнаем вес асфальтобетона 1 м3, который важен при выполнении различных расчетов.

Asphalt pavement

The composition of the material

So, the coating consists of the following ingredients:

  • Fine gravel or rubblewhich are crushed into a crumb;
  • Sand (quartz or slag);
  • Bитума - resinous substance.

Natural components of this material provide strength, and bitumen is their binder component. Like all resins, bitumen has a viscous consistency only in the heated state. Therefore, the mixture is placed only in the heated state.

It should be noted that there are technologies by which bitumen can be obtained, which retains its viscosity up to +5 degrees Celsius. In addition, some modern methods of oil refining allow you to create liquid bitumen, which does not freeze at temperatures up to -30 degrees Celsius.

Note! The technology of laying the pavement in different countries is about the same, but the quality of the web depends largely on the composition of the mixture, to which modern components are added that improve its characteristics.

On the photo - small crushed stone

Depending on the content of mineral components in the composition of the mixture, it is divided into 3 groups:

Mineral content Group
50-60% BUT
40-50% B
30-40% AT

Что касается величины фракций щебня или гравия для бетона, то этот параметр регламентируется ТУ-5718.030.01393697-99, который был разработан СоюздорНИИ. AT соответствии с ним, в смесь добавляю щебень крупностью 10-20 мм. Такой материал применяют для нанесения верхнего слоя дорожного полотна.

It should be noted that there is still a coarse-grained asphalt concrete, in which crushed stone is used, with fractions up to 40 mm in size. It is also used in the construction of roads. This technology is considered traditional, as a result of which it is used everywhere.

Правда, в зависимости от условий эксплуатации дорожного полотна, в состав смеси могут добавлять полимеры и ПBUTAT, придающие ей те или иные свойства. ATо многом от добавок зависит и цена материала.

Asphalt paving

Physical and mechanical properties

ATес и плотность

The quality of the coating largely depends on the physico-mechanical properties, which are regulated by GOST 9128-97. According to these standards, the density, and hence the weight of 1 m3 of asphalt concrete depends on the sand, which is used in its composition.

AT зависимости от этого, вес составляет:

  • On quartz sand 2200 kg per cubic meter;
  • On the slag sand 2350 kg per cubic meter.

ATторой показатель больше в результате того, что смесь на шлаковом песке более уплотненная. Конечно, удельный вес крупнозернистого асфальтобетона отличается, так как в нем используется щебень большей фракции. Точное значение получить очень сложно, однако, в среднем вес составляет 2100 кг на метр кубический.

These figures are important when calculating the required amount of material for the execution of certain works. In addition, weight data may be required when disassembling the road surface, which will allow to calculate the loading capacity of the vehicle and the number of vehicles for exporting the old road surface.

Coarse coating

Note! Consumption rates according to which this material is laid depend on the brand of the mixture. These data can be learned from SNiP 3.06.06-88, which will allow to avoid mistakes when performing calculations and work with your own hands.

I must say that in order to increase the roughness of the road surface and, consequently, better adhesion of automobile tires to the road, an increased amount of crushed rubble is added to the asphalt concrete mix. Its content can reach 80 percent. Sometimes grip is improved by adding recycled tires.

The change in composition, of course, is reflected in the density and weight of the concrete material. Therefore, accurate values ​​can only be obtained from the manufacturer of the mixture.

Asphalting site

Material consumption

If you decide to landscaping the territory by running asphalt concrete tracks or covering the site with them, you must first calculate its consumption. This will allow to know the quantity and cost of material for the implementation of the planned work.

Instructions for the calculation of consumption is extremely simple:

  • AT первую очередь надо измерять площадь, которую планируется покрыть асфальтобетоном. К примеру, необходимо покрыть площадку в 50 квадратных метров, при толщине слоя в 1 см.
  • To cover one square meter of the road, you will need 25 kg of the mixture, respectively, for 50 meters you will need 25x50 = 1250 kg
  • Since an average of 2250 kg of asphalt is in 1 m3, 1250 will be needed to cover the site: 2250 = 0.55 m3 of asphalt concrete.
Decorative asphalt coating

I must say that when using molded asphalt, i.e. the mixture, which consists of polymers and plasticizers, consumption is reduced, since the coating can be used in a thinner layer, as a result of its plasticity.

Tip! When landscaping with asphalt pavement, it can be decorated. To do this, its composition is usually added Kohler. Also a popular way to decorate it is the embossing and the use of colored rubble in fractions up to 5 mm in size.


The weight of such a material as asphalt depends primarily on the components that are used in its composition. However, averaged data can be obtained from reference books. This information is sufficient to perform the basic necessary calculations, when performing various works.

From the video in this article, you can get more information on this topic.